OREANDA-NEWS. On May 07, 2008 Governor of Eesti Pank Andres Lipstok opened the travelling exhibition "Own state, own money: the history of the Estonian money" in the Kuressaare Castle in Saaremaa, reported the press-centre of Eesti Pank.

Within the framework of the celebrations dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Eesti Pank continues to display its travelling exhibition in different places of Estonia.

The exhibition introduces the four currencies of Estonia: the mark, the kroon, the kroon introduced in 1992, and the euro. The exhibition introducing the history of money is one of the events dedicated to the month of Eesti Pank. The exhibition is displayed in five different locations in Estonia during May and June. In addition, it will be presented at the National History Museum of Latvia.

"The introduction of the Estonian mark denoted the beginning of Estonia's sovereignty. As money strengthened and reforms were made, the Estonian people's awareness of themselves rose and the current kroon has become one of the most significant symbols of independence. The history of the Estonian money spells the story of the birth and development of our state; it is part of our economic progress. Money is of commonplace character, so hopefully the Estonian currency in both retrospect and prospect will attract widespread interest," Lipstok says introducing the exhibition.

The exhibition opened in the Kuressaare Castle is a display of 21 stands. In addition to viewing valuable items, visitors can also solve crosswords and puzzles of money from different periods. The exhibition also includes photos from 1928 depicting the production and handling of the kroon at Eesti Pank before it was released into circulation. The security features of the current kroon are also introduced at the exhibition.

The display is the result of cooperation between Eesti Pank and Ivar Leimus. The exhibition was designed by Tiit Jurna.

It is also possible to see different currencies that have been circulating in Estonia at the Museum of Eesti Pank, which is open from Wednesday to Friday 12.00-17.00 and on Saturdays 11.00-16.00.