OREANDA-NEWS. June 27, 2008. The International Economic Forum “The Leaders of Economical Redevelopment of Russia”, for which the Representatives of AVISMA, PSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation Subsidiary, were also invited took place in Moscow, reported the press-centre of VSMPO-AVISMA.

Within the framework of this Forum there was a ceremony of official public recognition “The Leaders of Economical Redevelopment of Russia” that was conducted under the motto “The Leader is a key link in the development of the company, and the Head of a company is its main pillar!”.

The Executive Director of AVISMA, PSC VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation Subsidiary, Vladimir Tankeev, was awarded a medal and diploma in the nomination “The Leader of the year 2007”. According to the State statistics data of the Federal service for 2007, AVISMA has achieved high economical results in their business activity, and this success was intimately connected with the name of the Head of this company.

The ceremony of awarding was hold in the Hall of Councils of the Christ Church and was devoted to the Russian Victories and economical achievements of enterprises and their Heads.
This Forum became a sort of a parade of economic elite and reliance of Russia. Its organizer was the International Development Fund “EvrAziya”.

On the 20th of June in Moscow there was a panel discussion regarding to the theme “The quality of Russian products. Counterfeit protection”, that was hold by Industrial Policy Committee of the State Duma and All-Russian Quality Organization. The work of the panel discussion group was completed with giving awards to the diploma nominees who took part in the special quality program. The diploma “the Russian Quality Leader” was given to Nikolay Osipenko, the Director, Quality, Ecology and Certification, of AVISMA. It was a recognition that the Company products satisfied all the quality criteria, and that the activity in this direction was organized at the most advanced level.