OREANDA-NEWS. July 22, 2008. A seminar organized by Nizhny Novgorod RBS office and Nizhny Novgorod Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs was held in Nizhny Novgorod, reported the press-centre of RBS.

Over 35 Chief Executive officers of Nizhny Novgorod enterprises became the participants of the seminar. The round table Experience Exchange in Applying Financial-Economic Management at enterprises of Nizhny Novgorod region was conducted at the end of the seminar. The round table was devoted to the most topical issues of enhancing production efficiency with the help of modern management technologies.

RBS specialists shared their experience in this sphere and made reports on the following topics:
Management Technology Medium Term Strategic Plan as a means of implementing company strategy (Deputy Director of Managerial Technologies and Project Management of Accounting Systems Department - Alexander Mislavsky).

Management Technology Budget Management System as a means of increasing business transparency and efficiency (Deputy Director of Managerial Technologies and Project Management of Accounting Systems Department - Alexander Mislavsky).

Management Technology Financial Accounting System as an information base for efficient managerial decision making (Deputy Director of Managerial Technologies and Project Management of Accounting Systems Department – Denis Shalnev).

IT support as a Guarantee for Successful Modern Management Technologies Implementation (senior consultant of IT Consulting and System Integration Department - Julia Kuznetsova).

All the participants highly appreciated practical emphasis of all the reports that were based on RBS specialists’ real working experience in the spheres of implementation of benchmark systems, budget systems, analysis information system for support and decision making.

The seminar arose great interest of all the participants to RBS and the services the company provides. All the participants asked questions, shared the problems of their enterprises, noted that they need professional consultancy of RBS specialists, especially in terms of an integrated approach.