OREANDA-NEWS. July 28, 2008. S7 Airlines, Russia’s largest air carrier by number of transported passengers on domestic routes, has announced its operational results for the first half of 2008, reported the press-centre of S7 Airlines.

S7 Airlines transported 2,812,000 passengers in the period from January through June 2008, up 26% over the same period of 2007.

“The increase in the number of passengers in the first half of the year is due first and foremost to the general positive growth trend in air travel on the Russian market. According to the Transportation Clearing Chamber the increase in passenger kilometers in Russia amounted to 23.8%. S7 Airlines is outpacing the overall market indicators thanks to its active use of new aircraft and more effective use of its existing fleet,” said Ilya Alexander, Deputy General Director of S7 Airlines for Finance and Economics.