OREANDA-NEWS. On 21 August 2008 was announced, that the envoys of Turkmenistan who had delivered the humanitarian goods to neighbouring Afghanistan returned home. The ceremony was held in the settlement of Marchak of the Marchak district of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

The elders of the neighbouring settlements of Ersary and Charhab of the Badkhyz Province cordially welcomed the honorary guests who had come from Turkmenistan to perform the noble mission. On the instructions of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the Turkmen delegation had delivered food products, school supplies and textile goods as gratuitous help. Those present carried the banners with the words Long Live to Turkmen-Afghan Friendship! in three languages – Turkmen, Pashto and Dari and the portraits of the Turkmen leader who was held in profound respect in Afghanistan.

Cordially greeting the honorary guests Chairman of the council of the local elders, Head of the local branch of the Cultural Society of Afghan Turkmen Khajy Muhammet Saparbay on behalf of the Afghan people thanked the fraternal Turkmen people for supporting Afghan economy and profound sympathy for the neighbouring country.

Those speaking at the ceremony noted that the peoples of Turkmenistan and Afghanistan were bound with the centuries-old ties of friendship that had been intensified by the efforts of both leaders Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Hamid Karzai. The people of Afghanistan showed keen interest in the grandiose changes going on in neighbouring Turkmenistan and were took sincere pride in their Turkmen brothers.

As a token of profound respect and gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the representatives of Afghanistan presented a handmade carpet and namazlyk to the Turkmen leader.

By traditions of Oriental hospitality a dinner was given in honour of the Turkmen guests.