OREANDA-NEWS. September 18, 2008. As of September 2008, Alfa-Bank’s customers will be able to make charitable donations to the “Life Line” charitable support program for seriously ill children, making use of a ready-made template available on the Internet banking site, Alfa-Click, or by making a direct bank transfer into the settlement account for this Fund. Alfa-Bank will not charge any bank fees for the transfer of charitable donations, reported the press-centre of Alfa-Bank.

Alfa-Bank has been a contributor to the Life Line Fund since its foundation. The Bank was one of the first Russian companies to start providing financial support to the Fund, aimed at helping seriously ill children with cardiac deceases. More than 2,000 children’s lives were saved over the four years of successful work.

“Thousands of children throughout Russia are in need of due medical assistance — their parents do not always have sufficient funds to pay for expensive cardioaccelerators or stents. This situation can be improved through joint efforts only. That is why the Life Line Fund makes every effort to involve in these charitable actions and arrangements as many people as possible, with Alfa-Bank backing up these activities of the Fund”, noted Leonid Ignat, Director for Information Policy and Public Relations at Alfa-Bank.

Full information on free transfers from bank accounts and through the Internet bank Alfa-Click to help seriously ill children can be found by clicking on the following link: http://alfabank.ru/society/life-line/.

The Life Line Charity to save seriously ill children was founded on 1 June 2004 and provides "targeted" support — pays for technologically advanced surgeries and special equipment — cardioaccelerators, occluders, ballones — to ensure that every child can receive the best treatment available. The main aim is to decrease high child mortality rates because of serious heart and brain diseases.

Life Line supports children who are younger than 15 years and who suffer from life-threatening diseases: arrhythmia, congenial malformation of cerebral development, congenial heart diseases.
Life Line has no geographical boundaries within Russia and is a national undertaking. For the four years of its existence the Life Line programme has saved the lives of more than 2,000 children across Russia.

To date, as a result of regularly events the total amount raised by Life Line totals USD 12 million. This became possible thanks to a good will of not indifferent people — through donations from dozens of Russian companies and hundreds of thousands of individuals. All funds raised by Life Line programme are used only for treatment of children. Reports on the use of donations may be accessed on the Fund’s web-site: www.life-line.ru.