OREANDA-NEWS. October 27, 2008. Luhansk region (East Ukraine) leads the pack in terms the implementation of programs on youth housing in Ukraine, Minister for Family, Youth and Sports Yuriy Pavlenko told a meeting with the region leadership.

According to Oleksandr Antipov, Head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration, the region was an initiator of the program on preferential crediting, construction, reconstruction of housing for youth which was supported by local budgets of all levels and helped parcel out land plots under construction. The official also said the region has already granted 496 preferential long-term credits to young families for construction and purchasing of housing to the total amount of UAH 60 million.

Luhansk region was also among first in Ukraine to partake in 2007 in implementing a new direction in solving housing problems of pedagogic and scientific-pedagogic officers through giving preferential credits for construction and purchasing of housing.