OREANDA-NEWS. On November 07, 2008 First Vice Prime Minister Olexandr Turchynov announced that for today there is no problem with financing works in overcoming of consequences of the natural disaster in six western regions in summer of the current year.

According to him, the Gov’t has no debt before the local budgets as it had transferred to the last kopeck all the envisaged money.

Olexandr Turchynov emphasized that the amount of financing had been unprecedented and adequate with those problems emerged as a result of the disaster. “Now the money has to be handed from the local authorities to the people,” he stressed.

The First Vice Premier reminded that to overcome consequences of the disaster the Government has additionally earmarked UAH 1.2 bn from the Reserve CMU fund. Besides, according to him, the Government has timely and in full transferred subventions to the local budgets, to the tune of UAH 2 bn 320 mn.

As Olexandr Turchynov put it, taking into account balance at the local budget accounts and UAH 331 mn additionally transferred by the Government this week the present accounts of local authorities contain over UAH 900 mn. “Consequently, there exist no problems with financing, the most important thing is the resource has to be used purposefully,” he emphasized.

At the same time Olexandr Turchynov added the main problem is that the funds have not always been used properly. According to him, in particular, Control and Revision Department has revealed violations in terms of use of UAH 89 mn.

On commenting the state of fulfillment of recovery works and programs the Gov’t was responsible for, the First Vice Prime Minister informed that in the suffered localities electric energy, gas supply, water supply, communication, railway communication have been restored; the public roads have been repaired: “There is no locality which would have problems with communication or transport”.

According to Olexandr Turchynov there exist some problems with restoring of communal structure over delay of putting buildings in exploitation. However, this issue is within direct responsibility of the local authorities.