OREANDA-NEWS. November 14, 2008. Astana hold a videoconference (TelePresence) between Astana – Almaty cities with the participation of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Masimov. Videoconferencing Astana - Almaty was held to introduce the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan with a new project of the national operator, reported the press-centre of Kazakhtelecom.

The system of Cisco TelePresence - is set to conduct real-time remote video meetings with the effect of the personal presence of party. The technology combines high-quality transmission of audio and video, along with elements of interactive communication.

A feature of videoconferencing TelePresence is the fact that some participants of the conference, in the same city, communicate with other players via plasma screens located on the other side of the table. In so doing, creates the effect of: all participants during the conference "in" at the same table. Moreover, the illusion of natural visual contact is achieved so that the voice comes from the speaker, members speak with normal volume, thanks to high-speed transmission traffic delays there are no audio and video.

The relevance of the use of videoconferencing TelePresence:
Emergency meetings, discussions and examinations.
Reducing the cost of business staff.
Distance learning.
The collection and rapid processing of information in remote access.

It is important to realize this innovative project have new opportunities to transfer high-quality audio and video as a result of the completion of the high-performance multiservice data network (IP / MPLS), with the possibility of achieving the required quality traffic.

For today, the project provided an opportunity TelePresence videoconferencing on two fronts: Astana - Almaty, Astana - Moscow and Almaty - Moscow.