OREANDA-NEWS. November 24, 2008. NJSC Naftogas of Ukraine will pay off a promissory note for gas to Russian GazProm. Head of the Naftogas of Ukraine Oleh Dubyna announced during his meeting with Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko.

“We will fly to Moscow and find ways to solve this issue. I consider we will manage to settle it,” he stressed.

The head of Naftogas urged the company had paid off the debts of the previous Government of 2007, in particular, for gas of November-December of 2007 of UkrGasEnergo company almost 3 bn 800 mn UAH had been repaid and credits and interests for the credits had been liquidated to the tune of 2.5 bn UAH.

Oleh Dubyna emphasized NJSC Naftogas of Ukraine continues collaboration with the banks to repay the debt to GazProm.