OREANDA-NEWS. December 02, 2008. In the boardroom of Tashkent`s Khokimiyat has taken place a seminar devoted to the issues of introduction of Law of RU "About obligatory insurance of a civil liability of vehicle owners" (OICL), mission of which is to generate system of warranting of compensation to participants of road and transport incidents (road accident) in case of an injury to a life and to health, and also to property of the suffered third parties, reported the press-centre of Uzbekinvest Company.

Representatives from customs, tax, bank, auto-transport structures and etc., participated during a seminar, where questions of active introduction and adaptation in the market of obligatory insurance have been discussed, and mutually advantageous dialogue on an explanation of all conditions and a procedure of obligatory insurance, and also the social importance of insurance of a civil liability of vehicle owners was adjusted.

Now systematic work on realisation of OICL is conducted in republic. And, today, a number of the insurance companies having the licence for rendering of services by obligatory kinds of insurance are conducting active works on OICL, strengthening their presence at regions, opening additional points of sales etc. In particular, Uzbekinvest Company, corresponding to all requirements, established by the legislation for realisation of obligatory insurance, since October 22, 2008, has declared the beginning of sales of policies on obligatory insurance of a civil liability of vehicle owners.

In order to create an effective mechanism of work with vehicle owners and maximize their satisfaction, Uzbekinvest Company is conducting a number of a spadework, in particular: training and retraining of Company experts via organisation of training courses on studying of the legislation and rules for obligatory insurance, an order of consideration of insurance claims, realisation of insurance payment and etc.

Along with it, the works directed on development of consideration process of insurance claims within the limits of quality improvement of current business in an order established by the legislation were conducted, the automated control system of databases was improved, technologies of the electronic documentation were modernised.

With a view of maintenance of availability and efficiency of granting of insurance services, new insurance divisions on sales of policies in regions of republic and Tashkent city were opened, considerably expanded agency and distributorship networks all over republic and Tashkent city. So far, the general number of insurance divisions and Company branches in republic has been totalled to 84 units, quantity of insurance agents (physical and legal bodies) comprised - 400 people. Only for last 2-3 months, more than 20 new insurance branches and points of sales was opened.

As a result, Company realised insurance policies by the given kind of insurance for a total sum of obligations of 7.1 billion soums as of November 20, of current year.

It is necessary to notice that similar seminars with participation of local authorities and economic structures were conducted by territorial branches of the Company practically in all areas of republic. The given action contributes not only to the further development of the insurance market, but also gives a positive resonance among the population and the public, and also the big efficiency in the given direction.