OREANDA-NEWS. December 10, 2008. The Chairman of the Commission on Protection of Competition of the Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Petko Nikolov visited the FAS Russia to hold negotiations with the Head of the FAS Russia Mr. Igor Artemyev, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.

Future joint activities of the FAS Russia and the Commission on Protection of Competition of the Republic of Bulgaria in the frameworks of the Intestate Council on Antimonopoly Policy were discussed during the negotiations.

Mr. Artemyev informed about basic recent changes in the Russian antimonopoly legislation and the structure of the FAS Russia. The results of monitoring of prices for air tickets and fuel were discussed as well.

In the result of the meeting Mr. Igor Artemiev proposed holding a consulting meeting with representatives of Bulgarian companies working in Russia concerning the application of the Federal law №57-FZ "Procedures for Foreign Investments in the Business Entities of Strategic Importance for Russian National Defense and State Security".

Moreover, the Program on cooperation between two authorities for 2009-2010 that defines key directions of the development of cooperation in competition policy sphere was signed during the negotiations. The given Program is a legal basis for information and experience exchange on different issues of competition policy and enforcement, for organizing study-trips, consultations and other events.

It should be underlined that similar Programs on cooperation have been successfully implemented on permanent basis for more than 10 years after signing on May 1995 an Agreement between the Russian and Bulgarian Governments on cooperation in the antimonopoly policy sphere that envisaged promotion of interaction between Russia and Bulgaria in this sphere.