OREANDA-NEWS. On 30 December 2008 was announced, that the new congress-centre, entered in commission this year on left-bank site of special economic zone "Dubna", continues its work.

In the building operate the working offices companies-residents three of special economic zone is a "Progresstech-Dubna" (aeronautical design - engineering and the advisory services ), "the scientific-and - technological park "Dubna" (the selection and realization of innovation projects in fields of information and medical technologies ) and "the laboratory of network technologies" (creation and trial operation of distributed computation systems, processing and data storage, including on the basis of Grid-tekhnologij. In the same place were settled down the administrative bodies Joint-Stock Company "the TIZ "Dubna" (the Director General - Sergei Degtyarev ), which acts by the objects zakazchikom-zastrojschikom of SEZ infrastructure , exercise administration by them and their operation. Has been chosen and is being prepared the premise to accommodate representatives of Federal Migration Service.

Get ready be put into operation two other the body technology-innovative centre - first starting complex SEZ. In 3rd ofisno-delovom building at present the premises for companies-residents "BENIT" (the scientific and productional complex of bioenergoinformatsionnykh nanotechnologies ), scientific-and-industrial association "TRANSKOMSOFT" (the development of prospective information and telecommunications technologies for funds and communication systems, IT-autsorsing and the export programming ), "Irbikon" (development and implementation informational -and-analytical system ) and "T-Inzhiniring" ( development and testing of failure-tolerant software-hardware systems and control systems in the field of personal and group security ) get ready. It is planned that company will move here in January 2009.