OREANDA-NEWS. On January 12, 2009 Gazprom company made a statement about readiness to hold an experiment on resuming of gas shipment to the GTS of Ukraine with an aim to restart its transit to the European states.

On January 13, 2009 at 00:58 Ukrtransgaz daughter company received a fax from Gazprom company which contained information about resuming of gas supplies from 9:00 on 13.01.2009 through Sudzha gas measuring station in the amount of 76.6 mn cu m per day. The gas was proposed to transit for consumers of the Balkan region and Moldova through Orlovka gas measuring station.

The NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine declares these amounts and directions haven’t been coordinated timely between the two operators of adjacent gas transport systems. It contradicts the customary practice of reliable functioning of transit gas mains.

The company views in order to ensure stable gas transit along the GTS of Ukraine the parties have to renew and fill documents which precisely regulate technical and technological interaction and work of adjacent gas transport systems and coordinated work of dispatcher subdivisions of the sides involved. This would enable receiving of gas on Russian-Ukrainian border, its reliable transporting and guaranteed transfer to the European consumers.