OREANDA-NEWS. March 16, 2009. Deputy Chairmen of OJSC “Agroinvestbank” Saidmurodov Ibodullo Habibulloevich and Tagaymurodov Farrukh Golibovich met with the representatives of the Islamic Development Bank, Mr. Robihom Mataron – Senior specialist for the projects, Department of country operations, Mr. Asad Melikov – Specialist for the projects and financial analyst of the Department of country operations, and Mr. Hikmat Aliev – Specialist for country operations, reported the press-centre of Agroinvestbank.

During the meeting both parties discussed the issues that can bring OJSC “Agrpombestbank” and the Islamic Development Bank closer in cooperation. All the issues were set forth for discussion in order to benefit both esteemed institutions equally. Moreover, Mr. Tavakalov Dz. – Head of Consolidation and Analytical Department, Administration Direction, and Mr. Rajabov I.H. – Director of International Financial Relations Department were also present in the meeting.

Deputy Chairman of OJSC “Agroinvestbank”, Sadimurodov I.H. informed the representatives of IDB about the success of co-joint project for micro financing. Following the obligations of the contract between OJSC “Agroinvestbank” and IDB, our bank achieved the best financial results.

Explaining the goals of this visit Mr. Matar R. noted that IDB highly values cooperation with JSC “Agroinvestbank” on micro financing field, which are being realized strictly with IDB’s suggested procedures. Hereafter Mr. Matar noticed that by request of Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, IDB is planning to realize the second project, which is aimed at development and support of agricultural field of the country on total sum of 10 million USD. These resources will be divided among all tajik banks by criteria defined on IDB’s charter. For this purpose, IDB intends to gather more information on micro financing and tajik banks - partners in Republic of Tajikistan.

Deputy chairman on JSC “Agroinvestbank” Tagaymurodov F.G. described credit portfolio and noted that in 2008 total amount of it was 917 million somoni, 335 million or 36% from it was used on micro financing. In 2009 credit portfolio will rise for 100 more million somoni and 435 million of it will be allocated for micro financing.It should be noted that the meeting was held in the sense of mutual understanding and parties expressed their interest in implementation of new projects in micro finance sphere of Tajikistan.