OREANDA-NEWS. On March 23, 2009, as part of his working visit to the Russian Federation, President Alexander Lukashenko met with President Sergei Bagapsh of Abkhazia. The talks centred on the expansion of bilateral trade and cultural ties, reported the Official website http://president.gov.by.

‘The Russian President and I have already discussed economic issues that have relation to this region and to Belarus. There are many matters to discuss, first of all those economic ones. After all, there appears much work to do after gaining independence. We would be happy if Belarus’ involvement could help solve more issues in this region’, said Alexander Lukashenko to Sergei Bagapsh.

The Abkhazian President thanked Alexander Lukashenko for this meeting. ‘We are prepared to work closely with Belarus in the field of economy’, said Sergei Bagapsh. He informed the Belarusian President about last year’s procurements of Belarusian equipment and vehicles, mostly tractors and loading equipment.

This year Abkhazia is keen to acquire a big number of MAZ trucks. ‘We are ready to buy them for one billion Russian roubles. Today we can afford it . We will work with Belarus. It is convenient for us, and it is high-quality equipment’, said the President of Abkhazia.

Alexander Lukashenko and Sergei Bagapsh exchanged views on tourism development prospects, opportunities for children’s recreation, and on developing co-operation in higher learning.