OREANDA-NEWS. April 03, 2009. A delegation from The Bank of New York Mellon, NY, USA, headed by Mr. Sergei Kotov, Managing Director, Head of Eastern Europe Division, visited Sberbank’s Central Head Office to present Sberbank with the Award in Recognition of Outstanding Payment Formatting and Overall Technical Performance in STP Processing, reported the press-centre of Sberbank.

Sberbank has been awarded for excellent quality of formatting payments routed via its Nostro correspondent account in USD with The Bank of New York Mellon during 2008.

It was emphasised at the award ceremony that with almost 99% of straight-through processed payments, Sberbank achieved one of the best results among all of The Bank of New York Mellon’s correspondents. Previously, The Bank of New York Mellon (which is Sberbank’s main correspondent bank for US Dollar payments) repeatedly singled out Sberbank for excellence in STP payments. These awards are a testimony to Sberbank’s achievements in the quality of payments and its unfailing attention to the customer needs.

The Bank of New York Mellon is the oldest bank in the USA, established in 1784 by Mr. Alexander Hamilton, the first Secretary of the US Treasury. It is included in top twenty of the biggest US banks by assets. At present Sberbank cooperates with The Bank of New York Mellon in settlements, syndications and documentary business.