OREANDA-NEWS. April 13, 2009. Another Moldovan alcoholic drink producer received the right to deliver wine material to Russia. Rospotrebnadzor offered "Barza Alba" company the right to resume deliveries of its production to the Russian market, vinmoldova.md informs.

According to the experts of the Russian sanitary service, at present the possibility to raise the number of wine companies to have the right to deliver wine material to Russia is being examined.

Also, Director General of ILS company, Alexandr Trusin, says that raising the number of wine material suppliers would represent a significant step towards complete revival of cooperation between Moldova and Russia. "Imports of wine materials from "Barza Alba" will be carried out in the nearest time", the Russian importer also stated.

SA "Barza Alba", founded in 1978, is specialized in producing and trading alcoholic products. "Barza Alba" is one of the most popular brands of cognacs in the CIS region.