OREANDA-NEWS. On April 13, 2009 Belarus rejected Russia’s accusations of re-export of Moldovan wines and wine materials that aren’t permitted to be exported to Russia.

According to representatives of the “Belgospischeprom” concern, Belarus has no enterprises having the right for the further expert of wine materials imported to the country. They specified that under the Belarus legislation, it is necessary to have a certificate (CT-1 form) issued by competitive structures to export alcohol production.

Deep processing of raw materials is the main condition for receiving the certificate. Although production of grape wines out of imported wine materials isn’t such a processing. In particular, according to the concern, two Belarus enterprises were refused to obtain such a certificate for that reason in 2008.

Rospotrebnadzor’s head Gennady Onischenco said earlier about the “presence of grounds to consider” that wine and wine materials of Moldovan producers that aren’t permitted in Russia were supplied to Russia through Belarus.