OREANDA-NEWS. May 19, 2009. Russia suspends negotiations with the Moldovan officials on the expansion of Moldovan wine deliveries to Russia. This was announced by the head of "Rospotrebnadzor", the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko.

"We are going to postpone the meeting with the officials from Moldova. According to Gennady Onishchenko, "this decision is due to the actions of Mr. Ignatenko, who damaged the reputation of the Moldavian wines. "If the Moldovan side will not regulate the situation at the wine market, it will complicate cooperation in future", - Onishenko said.

It can be reminded that in 2006, the Russian health service had imposed the ban on the import of the wine products from Moldova.

Gennady Onishchenko recalled that since summer 2007, production of 46 Moldovan wine-making enterprises has passed sanitary examination in Russia. According to the head of "Rospotrebnadzor", 39 Moldovan plants have received more than 1100 positive solutions for the export of goods to Russia.

"During this time, more than 4,5 thousand shipments of wine and about 500 shipments of cognac were exported to Russia", - said Gennady Onishchenko.

According to him, since the resumption of deliveries of Moldovan wine products a number of Moldovan enterprises were able to supply to Russia non-bottled wine goods.

While commenting the message of Moldovan media on the expansion of Moldavian winemakers’ presence at the Russian market, the vice-director of "Moldova-vin" Nicolae Taran announced that the agency had not receive any claims on this issue from the Russian side.