OREANDA-NEWS. June 22, 2009. Starting from the end of 2008, Sorainen Riga office has become more actively involved in the processes of public procurement both – as bidder in tenders of legal services and as legal adviser to other bidders, reported the press-centre of Sorainen.

At the beginning of 2009, Sorainen Riga office began cooperation with IUB.LV – tender monitoring portal providing fast access to the most recent government tender information in electronic format thus providing opportunity to prepare offers and to qualify for contracts. IUB.LV unites tenders from all three Baltic States above and below national thresholds. Sorainen Riga office is also among users of the IUB.LV data base and actively follows the newest tendencies in public procurement market.
Due to close cooperation with IUB.LV Sorainen Public Procurement team is able to monitor announced public procurements and statistics in order to provide high quality legal solutions in the most complicated cases.