OREANDA-NEWS. On June 19, 2009 Yulia Tymoshenko, the Prime Minister of Ukraine declared Ukraine will pay to Russia for the consumed natural gas in full amount and in time. The Head of Government informed during her meeting into the issues of paying off a debt to Naftogaz of Ukraine NJSC with heads of regional state administrations, city mayors and heads of teplocomunenerho.

“Despite the crisis phenomena in the world economics and the fact that it is extremely hard to pay through non-payments within the country, during all the months, starting from January 1, we have been paying to the day, to the last copeck and there are no complaints to our country,” Yulia Tymoshenko emphasized.

The Premier also stressed in April the process of pumping up of natural gas into Ukrainian gas storages started. According to the Head of Government, 800 million cu m of gas was pumped in April, with 2.3 billion in May: “This is the amount of gas in our storages and we have completely paid for these amounts”.