OREANDA-NEWS. July 1, 2009. Mozilla Foundation rolled out a new version of their Firefox browser. The 3.5 version for Russian language users has Yandex as the default search engine.

Over a few months in 2008, Mozilla listened to feedback and studied the trends of Russian language search users. This activity led to the conclusion that many Russian users may be eager to see Yandex as the default search provider for Firefox locale builds. At the end of November, Yandex signed a partnership agreement with Mozilla.

"As the search leader in Russia, Yandex has become a valued and important partner to Mozilla," said John Lilly, CEO of Mozilla. "We're excited to work with Yandex on a successful release of Firefox 3.5 for our users in Russia."

Mozilla Firefox is one of the top three most popular web browsers in Russia. According to LiveInternet, the Firefox Russian language user base represents more than 18% of all Runet users.

To read more about Firefox 3.5, please visit www.firefox.com.  In addition to the official Firefox version, Yandex still offers a “Yandex-flavoured” build. The latest version is already available for download at fx.yandex.ru.