OREANDA-NEWS. July 03, 2009. During the first six months of 2009 Metinvest-Ukraine shipped more than 8 thousand tons of main line rails to satisfy the needs of the Kazakhstan railway road, reported the press-centre of SCM.

As the result of this transaction Ukrainian producers can supply rails to the National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, which earlier mostly used the rails of Russian producers.

Heat strengthened rails (type P-65) of 25 meter long are produced from M76T steel by Azovstal (the only producer of this type of products in Ukraine) and will be used to repair the railway road in Kazakhstan. Metinvest used to make deliveries to Kazakhstan industrial businesses only.

"For the last several years we've been selling rails produced by Azovstal to Belorussian, Georgian, Uzbek and Moldavian railway roads; and now we have established cooperation with Kazakhstan. Supply of main line rails to the railway roads of CIS republics remains one of our priority tasks", noted the CEO of Metinvest-Ukraine, Oleg Olshanskiy.