OREANDA-NEWS. On July 16, 2009 While on a working visit to the Kingdom of Sweden, President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite met with Sweden's Speaker of Parliament Per Westerberg and later with Sweden's Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, reported the Official website president.lt.
The President underlined that Sweden's turn to hold the EU presidency fell on a particularly difficult period. According to the President, the Swedish Presidency priorities mirrored very closely Lithuanian interests too. During the meetings, Sweden's and Lithuania's positions in addressing the financial crisis, and energy and environmental matters were agreed upon once again.
According to the President, the meetings with the leaders of Sweden's Parliament and Government left her no doubt that Sweden's interest in our energy sector was but growing.
"No one talks of this issue as of a purely commercial one anymore, but as of a political commitment to start implementing joint energy projects. We were assured by the Swedish Parliament that most political parties were supporting the construction of the NordBalt electricity bridge, for the financing of which Lithuania, Latvia and Sweden submitted a joint application to the European Commission yesterday. Sweden is ready to invest in this project and help the Baltic region to seek energy independence."
Thanking Sweden for support, which, according to President Grybauskaite, had set this particularly important project into motion, the President invited Sweden to participate also in the project of construction of the new Ignalina nuclear power plant.
The President informed Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt of Lithuania's intention to pursue demonopolisation of the electricity market, and, while the Ignalina nuclear power plant would be underway, to concentrate on the development of alternative energy recourses. The President noted that Sweden's experience in this field would be a great help.
The Prime Minister of Sweden reassured that energy security was important to the whole Baltic Sea region, and shared the view expressed by President Dalia Grybauskaite that a really functioning energy market must be created by joint efforts in the Baltic Sea region. He also expressed support to Lithuania's aspirations to connect to the Nordic electricity grid as soon as possible.
The President has departed from Sweden to Latvia where she will meet with Latvia's President Valdis Zatlers today and with Latvia's Speaker of Parliament Gundars Daudze and Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis tomorrow.