OREANDA-NEWS. August 31, 2009. Belarus and China should maintain momentum in the bilateral trade, Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky said as he met with Vice Premier of the State Council of China Hui Liangyu, reported the Official website government.by.

“Despite the global financial crisis, we have to do our best to develop our trade and economic cooperation,” said Sergei Sidorsky.

Belarus greatly values its friendly relations with China, which plays an important role in maintaining stability and security in the region. “Our Chinese friends are always welcome in Belarus,” Sergei Sidorsky underlined.

The Belarusian-Chinese relations are strengthened through a constructive political dialogue and economic, investment, innovation, cultural and sci-tech cooperation.

In 2008, the trade between Belarus and China made up more than US2 billion, over the last three years it doubled.