OREANDA-NEWS. October 01, 2009. As it was informed in "Moldtelecom”, the total sales of the national communication operator for the same period have reached 1 billion 530 million leis.

According to the estimates, presented in the report on the financial situation in "Moldtelecom, in 2009, total sales of the company will exceed 2.2 billion leis and the profit- 400 million leis, respectively. In comparison with the last year, sales of SC in 2009 have declined by 200 million leis, while the profit has increased by 3 million leis.

The General Director of SC Moldtelecom Vitalie Iurcu has explained the reduction in the sales volume by the decline in demand for services due to the reduced purchasing power of population, as well as acceleration of transition of traffic from the fixed networks to mobile communications. Iurcu said that in this situation the administration of the company has undertaken several measures to optimize costs.

He said that as the result of these measures, the total costs of the company within eight months have declined by more than 156 million lei. Vitalie Iurcu also stated that the financial situation of "Moldtelecom" is stable; stressing that so far the company has fulfilled all its obligations to the budget, suppliers and employees. Thus, in January-September 2009, "Moldtelecom" has transferred to the national public budget 298.2 million leis and till July 31 this year 100 million leis of the profits were deposited in the State Treasury.

According to the report, as of September 1, 2009, the total cost of SC Moldtelecom assets is 4 billion 183.1 million leis. From 1999 to 2009, the shareholders' equity of the company has increased by 3,9 times - from 984,2 million leis up to 3 billion 864.1 million leis. In 2001-2008, SC Moldtelecom has invested from its own sources US4.8 billion leis.

Every year during this period, the national telecommunications operator was honored with the title the "Best taxpayer”. "Moldtelecom" became the first Moldovan economic agent to be awarded the gold medal for its special contribution to the replenishment of the national public budget.