OREANDA-NEWS. November 27, 2009. Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky has opened the National Exhibition of Belarus at the Belarus pavilion of the All-Russian Exhibition Center in Moscow, reported the Official website government.by. 

“The opening of the National Exhibition in one of the best exhibition centers of Moscow is a testimony to our willingness to boost the bilateral cooperation despite the crisis,” Sergei Sidorsky said.

Over 100 Belarusian enterprises brought their products to the exhibition. “Here you can see the best Belarus produces,” the Prime Minister underlined.

The Days of Belarus in Moscow were dynamic and were attended by a large number of people, Prime Minister of Belarus Sergei Sidorsky said. The Days of Belarus in Moscow, which finished on 24 November, were held in Moscow in the course of 2009 and included more than 70 events.
The Days of Belarus in Moscow allowed presenting not only economic, but also social achievements of Belarus, Sergei Sidorsky noted.

In turn Moscow City Deputy Mayor in the Moscow City Government Sergei Baidakov noted that all the events on the programme of the Days of Belarus have been accomplished including the days of economy and culture, events dedicated to the 65th anniversary of Belarus’ liberation from the Nazis, roundtables and exhibitions. “The Days of Belarus in Moscow were certainly a success,” Sergei Baidakov stressed.

Despite the crisis, the results of bilateral cooperation prove that Belarusian-Moscow collaboration will continue developing. “The government of Moscow is ready to do everything for Moscow to remain the main trading and economic partner of Belarus in Russia,” Sergei Baidakov said.

The area of the exhibition is 600 square meters of indoor space and 400 square meters outside the center where MAZ and Gomselmash machinery is displayed. Taking part in the forum are enterprises under the ministries of industry, agriculture and food, construction and architecture, information, the Belgospishcheprom, Bellegprom and Bellesbumprom concerns.

Belarus and Moscow have approved the programme of cooperation in trade, economic, sci-tech, humanitarian, cultural and social areas in 2010-2012. The document was signed after the session of the Belarus-Moscow Business Cooperation Council which was held in the Russian capital on 24 November.

According to Belarusian Prime Minister Sergei Sidorsky, the new document covers many more issues than the previous one. In line with the new programme, the two sides intend to intensify the cooperation which has slowed down because of the crisis, the Premier said. “We have agreed to involve the Minsk-Moscow joitn bank in leasing schemes,” he added.

As for the previous three-year programme, Sergei Sidorsky noted that all the measures stipulated in the programme have been successfully implemented.

“The cooperaiton with Belarus is strong in trade and economic areas. We have been cooperating for 16 years already,” Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov said.

Yuri Luzhkov noted that Belarus and Moscow have boosted investment cooperation. These are joint assembly facilities of trucks, tractors, trams. He also added that the Moscow Government intends to use loans to purchase Belarusian-made municipal vehicles.