OREANDA-NEWS. January 22, 2010. As the press service of the government has informed, such a request was made by the Prime Minister of Moldova Vladimir Filat at his meeting with the U.S. congressmen during the visit to the United States.

He asked them for support in lifting Jackson-Vanik amendment in respect of Moldova. Vladimir Filat said that support provided by USA to Moldova is essential for the development of the country, especially for functioning of democratic institutions and respect of fundamental human rights. Vladimir Filat invited Congressmen Ron Clein and Debbie Wasserman -Schultz to visit our country. During the meeting with the senators from the state of North Carolina Kay Hagan and Richard Burr the parties have discussed issue of energy security of Moldova and possibility to diversify energy sources.

Senators from North Carolina expressed their willingness to establish a group of friendship with Moldova in U.S. senate. Jackson-Vanik amendment to the U.S. Trade Act that restrict trade with the socialist block countries, preventing emigration of Jews and other citizens, was adopted in 1974 at the initiative of Congressmen Henry Jackson and Charles Vanik.

The Jackson-Vanik amendment forbids granting favorable trade regime, to provide state loans and loan guarantees to countries that violate or seriously restrict the rights of their citizens to emigrate. The amendment also provides application of discriminatory tariffs and duties in respect of goods imported into the U.S. from the countries with non-market economies. Formally, this rule was introduced due to restrictions on emigration of Soviet citizens, but it was also applied in relation to other countries. Jackson-Vanik amendment was canceled for four CIS countries: Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia and Ukraine.