OREANDA-NEWS. February 26, 2010. Municipality sources say that in 3-6 months President Ilham Aliyev is expected to issue an executive order on introduction of one stop shop when permitting construction and registration of rights for real estate.

“The order will broaden authority of municipalities in which one stop shop will be opened. Municipalities will privatize or sell land or other kind of real estate, give permission for construction and register the built sites. The State Real Estate Registration Service under the State Committee for Property Affairs will only add newly-registered rights for property to state register,” a source said.

The issue of illegal construction will be solved simultaneously.

“Under the order, system of free privatization of such sites will be introduced, if they do not break other laws (for instance, if they are not constructed in the area of take-over of infrastructure sites),” the source emphasized.

According to earlier conducted surveys, at least 40% of whole housing fund falls on samostroykas. Last time their legalization was carried out in 1947.