OREANDA-NEWS. March 26, 2010. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received CEO of the well-known Belgian company ENEX process engineering SA Koen Minne.

Greeting the Turkmen leader the CEO of ENEX expressed gratitude to Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the opportunity of a personal meeting. Koen Minne said that Belgium and other European countries showed great interest in the achievements and accomplishments of Turkmenistan which was moving forward on the path of progressive reforms and demonstrated the rapid social and economic growth.

Thanking for the kind words the leader of the Turkmen state emphasized that pursuing the policy of wide international partnership Turkmenistan attached paramount importance to strengthening and building cooperation with the EU member states and the leading European companies on a long-term mutually advantageous basis.

The CEO of ENEX reaffirmed the company’s keen interest in expanding on the very promising Turkmen market informing the leader of Turkmenistan on the progress in implementing the joint projects and the possibility of employing the ENEX specialists’ expertise in the fuel and energy sector, processing and chemical industry.

In conclusion Koen Minne assured that ENEX would further take a serious and responsible approach to meeting its partnership obligations.