OREANDA-NEWS. April 2, 2010. The branch office of Ingosstrakh OJSIC in Tatarstan has provided coverage to the following property of Agrofirma VAMIN Tyulyachi LLC, a member of VAMIN Tatarstan Agricultural Holding: farming machinery (4 harvesters) for the total insured amount of RUB 15.7 mln as well as 5,355 heads of cattle stock and 2,181 pigs for the insured amount of up to RUB 112 mln totally.

The agricultural machinery is insured against fire, lightning stroke, explosion, natural disasters, damage by water, third parties’ wrongful acts (burglary, robbery, assault and theft), crash, including any road accident, collision with various objects (also vehicles), running over (bumping with) stationary items and objects in motion (structures, obstacles, animals, etc.), turning over, falling down (including falling down to water, through ice), falling of foreign objects and aircraft onto the insured property.

Subject to the farm livestock insurance agreement, insured risks include loss/forced slaughtering caused by fire, lightning stroke, gas explosion, natural disasters, infectious, noncontagious and parasitic diseases, accidents, third parties’ malicious acts, burglary and robbery.

The insured property is pledged to the Tatarstan regional branch office of Rosselkhozbank OJSC within the available loan amount.

Vamin Tatarstan is based on greatly experienced dairy factories and cereal receiving points of the Republic of Tatarstan. Vamin Tatarstan OJSC comprises 28 dairy processing plants and 10 cereal reception points, an engineering and design office, a commerce department, a fish farm and 26 agricultural companies in 15 regions of the Republic today. The total area of the farmland is 443,800 ha, including 370,000 ha of cropland. The cattle stock amounts to 107,800, the number of hogs is 86,000. The existing livestock farms are being reconstructed and new complexes are being built now. Therefore, the cattle stock population will grow up to 220,000, cows up to 73,000 and pigs up to 130,000 by 2012.