OREANDA-NEWS. April 28, 2010. Finance Magazine has summed up the results of the fifth Annual Award "Finance". IC ROSNO has been named winner in the Most Media Friendly Company nomination. According to the jury, the company’s victory in this nomination resulted from its financial transparency and willingness of its top managers to be interviewed by journalists. ROSNO is the only insurance company among the companies awarded by Finance Magazine this year, reported the press-centre of ROSNO.

Finance Magazine founded this award four years ago. The winners are determined on the basis of the magazine’s ratings of the most successful people and companies of Russia, the largest banks, insurers, IT companies and management companies, as well as other analytical information. Furthermore, the rating takes into account personal contributions made by government officials, financial analysts and portfolio managers to the development of the Russian business.

This is not the first year that ROSNO is awarded by The Finance Magazine. Previously, the company won the nomination "For Promotion of the European Standards in the Russian Insurance Sector".

Openness, accessibility of the information on the company’s performance results, current operations and the company’s development strategy for the general public, clients and business partners constitutes one of the fundamental principles followed by ROSNO Group. For many years, the company has been demonstrating its financial transparency. ROSNO is the first Russian insurance company to have published full financials under the International Financial Reporting Standards. ROSNO is a media friendly company and one of the recognized leaders of the information field, whose openness and transparency is acknowledged by the leading Russian business media.

Ms. Marina Sotova, Deputy Financial Director of ROSNO, who represented the company at the awarding ceremony, thanked the jury for the recognition. She noted that "ROSNO, indeed, is attaching an important role to media friendliness and views it as an integral operational attribute for any professional market player".