OREANDA-NEWS. April 28, 2010. The rewarding of winners of the regional competition “Best Employer of Omsk Region in the Sphere of Civil Employment” took place. Among them – the enterprise of “Group of Companies “Titan”, CJSC - “Omsky Kautchuk”, OJSC.For seven years this old competition has been consisting of two stages, reported the press-centre of Titan.

At the first stage the participants (organizations and private entrepreneurs) compete in municipal areas and districts of Omsk – this year there were 138 of them. “Omsky Kautchuk”, OJSC, received prizes in three nominations and provided itself participation in the second stage. Altogether 77 employers got into the final stage.

Winners were defined by the competitive committee which consisted of representatives of the branch ministries, local governments, placement services, associations of employers and trade unions. Judges paid their attention to such characteristics as presence of collective agreement, expansion of production, additional guarantees of employment of young specialists, workers’ skills training by the expense of means of the employer, introduction of modern technologies in the area of work with the personnel. “Omsky Kautchuk”, OJSC, meets all above-named demands, collected 25 points and won first place in the nomination “Social Responsibility”. In this nomination were also noted such organizations as Municipal Hospital “City polyclinic No 10”, “NPO “Mostovik” JSC and “Saturn”, Ltd.