OREANDA-NEWS. May 7, 2010. Kosmos airline performed its first flight on the route NovosibirskNorilsk.

Kosmos airline opened regular flight on this route from April 28 with frequency of 1 time per week on Wednesdays on the aircraft Tu-134. Departure from Novosibirsk at 11:50 (local time), arrival at the destination port at 15:20 (local time), travel time is 2 hours 30 minutes. Departure from Norilsk at 09:30 (local time) and arrives to Novosibirsk at 10:30 (local time).

About 50 passengers were transported on the route NovosibirskNorilsk today. We are expected further increase passenger traffic on this route.

Several airlines also perform flights from the airport Novosibirsk (Tolmachevo) to Norilsk: S7 airline twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays on the aircraft Airbus 320, LLC Tulpar Air airline on Saturdays on aircraft Yak-42 and the KMVavia airline perform weekly flight on the aircraft Tu-154 on Thursdays.