OREANDA-NEWS. June 22, 2010. Sergey Lizunov, President, LLC “TNK-BP Commerce” (Ukrainian subsidiary of TNK-BP), Valery Golenko, Chairman, Lugansk Region State Administration and Vladimir Pristyuk, Head, Lugansk Region Council signed an Agreement on Cooperation in Social Partnership. The parties assumed obligations to solve social problems in the region, support stable and efficient operation of Lisichansk Refinery (CJSC “LINIK”, Lugansk Region), reported the press-centre of TNK-BP.

The covenants reached by the parties envisage, among other things, that Lugansk Region State Administration and Lugansk Region Council would facilitate attraction of additional investment in Lisichansk Refinery for further development and assist in solving any problem issues. In its turn, the company would ensure stable operation and upgrading of the refinery and provide financial aid in implementing regional social projects for a total amount in excess of 9 mln hryvnias in 2010.

In particular, the agreement stipulates provision of financial aid to socially vulnerable groups, large families, disabled children, and veterans of the Great Patriotic War; implementation of activities to protect mothers and children, develop science, education, culture and sports.

‘Supporting socially responsible companies is among the key objectives for the state power because the quality of life depends on their work, — Valery Golenko said. – TNK-BP ensures successful operation of the biggest regional enterprise for ten years now. We are interested in further development of industrial production in CJSC “LINIK”, attraction of long-term investment and advanced international technology’.

‘We much appreciate the attention that the regional authorities pay to Lisichansk Refinery operations, — Sergey Lizunov said. – In return, the company strives to take reciprocal steps to facilitate improvement of the regional social situation. We expect our joint efforts to help us make the refinery operation more efficient in the nearest future, which would have a positive effect for the economy of the region and the entire country’.