OREANDA-NEWS. June 25, 2010. While visiting Khortytsia National Preserve in Zaporizhia, President Viktor Yanukovych told journalists that the new Tax Code would be adopted only after comprehensive examination and public hearings.

According to the President, prior to its adoption in the second reading, the Tax Code should be examined in order to make sure that it includes proposals of its developers, in particular, social entrepreneurial organizations.

"We must conduct a careful examination. We will make a decision only after we get the results, "said the Head of State. However, he added, the Tax Code certainly could be improved in the future.

"If we adopt a document, it doesn’t mean that it will remain unchanged. We will be polishing this Code until it is supported by the parliamentary majority, and only then it will be adopted. And if we need to introduce any amendments or additions to it, we will have the opportunity to improve it, using the base law," said Viktor Yanukovych.