OREANDA-NEWS. June 25, 2010. Sergei Pyatenko, the General Director of FBK Economic and Law School, reported at the on-line conference held by Finam.ru named “Tax policy in Russia: development of economy or social stability?” Experts were offered to answer what of the following is more important today: keeping of current volume of tax levies or certain benefits facilitating development of enterprises and business? How can one evaluate the new principles of tax policy for 2011-2013? How will such policy influence the condition of Russian economy?, reported the press-centre of FBK.

Commenting on various tax initiatives concerning return of progressive tax scale and introduction of sumptuary tax, Mr. Pyatenko called them “a typical populism”. “Tax load on business in Russia is very high. However, it is camouflaged with “grimaces of socialism “. The scheme of relations between the state and taxpayers in the developed countries has the next structure: individuals pay about 70-80% of taxes, while companies pay only 20-30%. Such structure of tax system has a profound sense. Individuals consider the situation with taxes in a far more conscious way. In Russia, legal entities pay about 80% of collected taxes, while individuals pay only 20%. Such situation also has a deep sense, as it is easier to mislead people in this way, telling fairy tales about our low taxation.

The expert reminded that in order to pay a salary to an employee, among other taxes the employer has to pay unified social tax (since 2010 it has been replaced with insurance payments and will be increased from 26% up to 34% based on this). Besides, we must remember that apart from “salary” taxes the employer pays many other taxes during conduct of business: income tax (24%, and 20% since 2009), VAT (18%), property tax, etc.”, - said Mr. Pyatenko.

Alexander Osin, the chief economist of MC Finam Management, Olga Lapshina, the head of Debt Market Analysis Department of OJSC Bank Saint-Petersburg, Alexandra Suslina, the expert of Economic Expert Group and Vladimir Zaitsev, head of Tax Service of LLC Siemens also took part in the conference.