OREANDA-NEWS. August 05, 2010. President Viktor Yanukovych met in Crimea with Chairman of the Working Group on National Projects of the Committee on Economic Reforms, MP Vladyslav Kaskiv.

At the meeting Vladyslav Kaskiv informed President Yanukovych on the proposals of large national projects in the context of the reforms carried out in our state.

Viktor Yanukovych stressed that large national projects are very important and that he would like to hear the elaborated proposals and priorities that must be addressed for the work to “gain momentum”.

Vladyslav Kaskiv stressed national projects "are real practical platform for implementing reforms” which the authorities are working on. According to him, these projects will ensure breakthrough in the main competitive industries and attract certain guaranteed investment in the national economy, which is extremely important during the crisis.

He noted that these projects have concrete practical meaning, clear terms, results to be obtained and those responsible for their achievement. Each project, he said, would be worth not less than USD300 million and go on for a period of no more than four years.

"The implementation of each project under the patronage of the President of Ukraine does not foresee the use of public funds. Each of them is aimed at attracting foreign direct investments or investments in general," said Vladyslav Kaskiv.

After the meeting the Working Group Chairman said that the phase of practical implementation of reforms on the basis of national projects has begun. "The President approved today five national projects realization of which will soon begin. These and other projects will be considered at the meeting of the Committee on Economic Reforms, to be held soon, and then, obviously, presented to the public," he said.

He emphasized that there is no politics in these projects. Instead, it's a "totally specific, transparent, clear investment model – which is comprehensive not only for the Ukrainian society, but also for the international community”.

"I think there will be no critics of this approach in Ukraine, because only such a model of activity can ensure us a breakthrough in certain areas of economic development and introduce new standards in both governance and work with our external partners - international organizations, foreign investors, etc.. That is the model our country has waited for 20 years,” he said.