OREANDA-NEWS. August 17, 2010. Following the visit to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, he made on August 3 this year, and with the aim of addressing issues of social-economic development of the region, President Viktor Yanukovych gave a number of instructions to Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and Prime Minister of the ARC Vasyl Dzharty. According to the instructions the abovementioned officials are inter alia to:

Provide preparation and bring in to the Parliament by September 15 Draft Laws of Ukraine "On the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea", "On Amending Some Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving Land Management in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea", “On Management of Property that Belongs to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea", and "On State Property Fund of Ukraine”.

Provide preparation and bring in to the Parliament by October 1 the Draft Law "On Development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea".

Jointly with the National Institute for Strategic Studies, elaborate and bring in to the Parliament of the ARC the Strategy of Economic and Social Development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for 2011-2020.

Elaborate and approve draft state programs "Water of Crimea 2011-2020”, “Development of Transport System of the ARC 2011-2020” (to be prepared by November 1, 2010), and “Environmentally Safe Crimea 2011 – 2020” (to be prepared by December 1).

Work out the question of establishing the International Institute for Strategic Development of Crimea and make appropriate proposals by November 1.

With the aim of boosting development of the industrial complex of the ARC, provide development and approval by November 1 of the following:

action plan to diversify industrial production in the ARC, which would foresee redevelopment of certain plants to produce competitive products, conversion of military enterprises into those producing high-tech products of civil use, and introduction of military technologies in civilian industries;

financial-economic mechanism to raise the efficiency of regional industry.

Provide financing and elaborate by December 30 the design papers for construction of Hvardiyske – Hlyboky Yar – Yalta highway, which would include construction of the tunnel.

Provide implementation of projects in the ARC to produce electricity using alternative sources of energy and energy efficiency technologies the ARC.

During elaboration of a draft law on establishing special investment regimes in the ARC, foresee provisions obliging the Council of Ministers of the ARC to favor investment projects that include using the newest energy-efficient and environmentally acceptable technologies

Apply measures in order to fully pay the arrears of wages at state enterprises in the ARC by October 1; provide that by April 1, 20111 the inventory of natural reserve land and water is made; complete legal and financial evaluation of the land in inhabited areas the ARC; complete the inventory of land on which facilities of the Russian Black Sea Fleet are deployed and develop proposals on the methods of calculation of the losses of local budgets due to nonpayment of rent.

With the aim of effective use of mineral deposits of local importance, work out the questions of simplifying the procedure for granting special mining permits and mining leases.

Provide targeted grant from the 2010 State Budget of Ukraine to the budget of the ARC to pay for filling Mizhhirny water reservoir.

Foresee funds in the 2011 State Budget for financing the State Program of Social and Economic Development of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea until 2017.

Provide proposals on establishing an economic entity that would manage the construction of bridge across the Kerch Strait;

Provide transfer of facilities located in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and managed by state authorities and public administrations to the management of the Council of Ministers of the ARC.

Provide construction and reconstruction of roads and highways in the ARC among which are Simferopol – Ulyanivka, Simferopol - Kerch, Kerch bypass road,
Simferopol – Novomoskovsk, etc.

Provide funds in the 2011 State Budget for construction of the National Center for Disaster Medicine in Simferopol.

Make sure that schools in the ARC are provided with schoolbooks in Russian and Ukrainian.

Work out the question of reconstruction of airports in the Crimea.