OREANDA-NEWS. August 19, 2010. Within the framework of financial-technical cooperation with the People's Republic of China (PRC), Uzpromstroybank open joint-stock commercial bank is cooperating with such large Chinese banks as State Development Bank, Export-Import Bank (Eximbank) and Industrial-Construction Bank.

In accordance with state programs on modernization and technical re-equipment of Uzbek enterprises at the expense of Chinese banks credit lines, a range of large investment projects in oil and gas, chemistry and energy spheres is presently under implementation.

Thus, in chemical industry, Eximbank of PRC is actively supporting the realization of the project on "The construction of Dehkanabad potash fertilizers plant on the basis of Tubegatinsk nitaro potassium field", in energy sphere - "The construction of objects of external power supply of Tashkent city". To be noted, China Eximbank allocated credits total worth USD67 million for the implementation of the above mentioned projects.

On 9 August within the framework of official visit of Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states delegates, Uzpromstroybank and Eximbank of PRC signed Individual loan agreements on financing of projects on "Switching Novo-Angrenskaya heat-and-power engineering station 1-5 power units to year-round coal combustion (1 stage) after the modernization of Angren basin" and "The provision of control system and technological connections in gas transportation system".

It is premeditated to attract USD188 million credit sources of PRC Eximbank for 20 years credit terms for the realization of the projects. It is expected that the implementation of these projects will provide sustainable and uninterrupted supply of economic entities and population with solid fuel and electric power as well as contribute to more effective use of gas.