OREANDA-NEWS. August 24, 2010. The number of clients of MEGABANK,PJSC who pay utility services thru internet is constantly rising. About it informed in the Integral clearing center (ICC) of MEGABANK,PJSC, reported the press-centre of MEGABANK.

In particular, for the first 7 months 2010 thru site of ICC its users paid utility services 5 thousand 381 times, what is twice as much as for the same period 2009. According to ICC specialists, this is due mainly to extension of list of instruments, with which payment can be made.

Thus while paying the utility services the site users chose the methods of payment as follows: with the help of NSMEP were made 31% of payments, Visa and MasterCard – 30%, "Privat-24" and WebMoney - by 15% of payments, with bank transfer - 9%. All in all at the ICC site are registered 10 thousand 249 users.