OREANDA-NEWS. September 27, 2010. Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis met the new Ambassador of Estonia to Latvia Mati Vaarmann during his introductory visit.

Both parties discussed the forthcoming Baltic Council of Ministers and participation in the Baltic Economic Forum that will be attended by the Prime Ministers of the Baltic countries, incl. Prime Minister of Estonia Andrus Ansip. The Prime Minister recognized the active cooperation between Latvia and Estonia at all levels. Ambassador of Estonia M.Vaarmann admitted that the Report on Future Estonian-Latvian Cooperation that was developed this year will enhance in-depth development of both countries’ relations.

The Ambassador of Estonia acknowledged that Latvia is one of the most important trade partners of Estonia and positively valued Latvia’s exports growth in Estonia. The Prime Minister stressed that, currently, the economic stabilization and growth in Latvia is based on export promotion and the first results are already obvious – in first two quarters of 2010 the export volume has increased by approximately 30.3%.

The officials also discussed the development of several regional infrastructure projects, especially in the area of transport.

At the end of the meeting, Prime Minister V.Dombrovskis expressed his conviction that the activities of the new Ambassador of Estonia to Latvia related to strengthening of bilateral relations will be successful.