OREANDA-NEWS. October 29, 2010. Ukio bankas providing services in electronic banking system and servicing clients online has been recognized as the best bank reacting to the clients’ needs in the Baltic countries. Ukio bankas was better than other banks operating in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia according to the speed of responses to the clients provision, accuracy, politeness, communication and manner of the responses, reported the press-centre of Ukio bankas.

These conclusions were provided by the company Metasite Business Solutions having performed the independent investigation. This investigation on electronic banking service has been performed every year since 2003. The investigation performers assessed how fast, properly and clearly the banks responded to the electronic inquires provided by the clients. The inquires were provided by electronic letters via internet banking system Eta bankas.

“Regularly investing into electronic services development we do not forget a human factor - we consider each client having provided electronic inquiry as a person who has visited our bank. This investigation reveals that electronic banking service and the work in the units of the bank is equally important client servicing channel. It is always important to a client to receive a fast, proper, clear and polite response – communicating face to face as well as online” – said Jolita Kiausiene, a Director of Electronic Banking Department.

Ukio bankas responds to 550 electronic inquiries received by e-mail per month.

114 thousand banks clients use Ukio bankas electronic banking system Eta bankas. Within nine months of this year a number of internet banking system users grew by 17.5 percent.

Jolita Kiausiene emphasized that Ukio bankas implementing the most innovative banking services was the first and the only in Lithuania having granted a possibility to connect to electronic banking system and to sign using all three possibilities of electronic signature in Lithuania – mobile electronic signature, USB signature and electronic signature using a personal identification card of a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania.

The system implemented at Ukio bankas is the first commercial solution for which electronic signature certificate in personal identification card of a citizen of the Republic of Lithuania will be used.