OREANDA-NEWS. November 03, 2010. The Estonian geoinformation company Regio has started using Google's StreetView technology, consisting of directional cameras, GPS units and laser range scanners, to amass a database of information on the outlines of buildings and other objects.

The company said it would not be gathering information on wireless Internet access points, which have proven controversial in some other countries due to allegations that Google inadvertently captured data payloads while panning for unsecured WiFi connections.

If the Regio project, which starts and runs through the end of the year, proves successful, the material could be used in the future in Google StreetView. The program consists of a collection of panoramic photographs that create seamless 3D type images of city streets.

Faces of people who happen to captured on StreetView photographs are blurred, as are the license plates of cars. Everyone has the right to request that Google remove their property from StreetView.
Regio says it is not eliciting such requests in the current stage as it is not known whether the data can be used in StreetView. It said due to the autumn season, there is already often too little light for taking quality photographs.