OREANDA-NEWS. November 29, 2010. It is stipulated by the package of five respective agreements on financing which were signed in Chisinau by Prime Minister Vladimir Filat and Head of the EU Delegation in Chisinau Dirk Schuble.

They said the gratuitous financial assistance to be allocated to Moldova is intended to support development of business environment, create new workplaces in rural areas, to implement energy projects, to share experience and knowledge of the European institutions, provision with drinking water, modernization of Chisinau’s public transport. According to Vladimir Filat, Moldova will receive a EUR 45 million grant within the agreement on financing the program of encouragement of rural regions’ economic development.

The program which will be implemented for three years stipulates direct support to the state budget for the above-mentioned purposes. The first EUR 15 million tranche will be provided by the end of this year, the rest ones – in 2011 and 2012. Thanks to realization of this agreement, it is planned to support over 620 enterprises and create at least 2 thousand new workplaces in villages by 2012.

Prime Minister said that according to the agreement with the EU, the Moldovan government would allocate the money of the gratuitous assistance received from the EU for implementation of key national programs aimed at business support and financing of business projects of young people, expansion of the program of youth’s employment.

The money will be also provided to modernize the production process and to encourage export-oriented business, for implementation of the PARE 1+1 program. It is also planned to create a national network of six business incubators which will allow providing entrepreneurs with free area and consultations. Moldova will receive a EUR 14 million grant for implementation of the energy project in biomass within the second agreement.

It stipulates promotion of alternative energy sources, installation of heating systems in over 130 public buildings. It is also planned to create a regional market for using agricultural waste for energy production. Within the framework of the third EU agreement, the EU will provide 7 million euros to Moldova to realize a concrete plan aimed at sharing experience and knowledge of EU institutions with Moldovan ones.

Within the framework of the fourth agreement, the EU will provide a EUR 10 million grant to co-finance the drinking water and sewerage supply program intended for population of six selected towns. Within the fifth agreement, the EU provides a EUR 3 million gratuitous financial assistance to Moldova to co-finance the project of purchasing 102 new trolleybuses for the Chisinau municipality.