OREANDA-NEWS. November 30, 2010. Senior Executive Vice-Chairman of the Board of RBD Dmitry Golovanov and Director of Investment Operations Peter Tarasov took part in Moscow Russian-German Forum “Post Crisis Development of SME: Prospects of Sustainable Growth and Innovative Development”. RBD acted as a co-arranger of the forum, reported the press-centre of RBD.

D. Golovanov told the participants about a system of multi-channel financing of innovative projects introduced by RBD as well as about the RBD’s Financing for Innovations and Modernization Program.

In his turn P.Tarasov pointed out that presently within the framework of the Financing for Innovations and Modernization Program the Bank has signed loan agreements with 14 partner-banks for a total amount over RUR 4 billion.

The forum was attended by representatives from Vnesheconombank, KfW, German Federal Ministry of Economy and Technology, RF Ministry of Economic Development, Federal Service for State Statistics of the Russian Federation, representatives from the banking community and heads of small and medium-sized enterprises.