OREANDA-NEWS. December 6, 2010. CenterTelecom OJSC announces that it won the nomination "Best Presentation of the Company in the Annual Report" in the 13th Federal Annual Reports and Corporate Web Sites Awards. The awards ceremony was held in Moscow.

The organizers and the jury of the Award pointed out the high quality of description of CenterTelecom's business, of the core events made impact on its financial results, as well as of the reflected strategy of the company for 2010-2011 in its annual report for 2009.

Yana Lavrentyeva, Head of PR and IR Department, CenterTelecom, in her speech at the ceremony said: "This award sets a high value on a role of the team of CenterTelecom employees who do their work well year upon year."

In 2009 CenterTelecom OJSC took first place for "Best Annual Report in the Telecommunications Industry" in the 12th Federal Annual Reports and Corporate Web Sites Awards. The company also won in the category "Professionalism and Quality of Company Presentation in an Annual Report."

The Federal Annual Reports and Corporate Web Sites Award has been held since 1998 by Securities Market (Rynok Tsennykh Bumag) magazine jointly with MICEX Stock Exchange CJSC. It is intended to promote increased information transparency, improve corporate governance practices and raise the investment attractiveness of issuers. The Award's jury includes representatives of MICEX Stock Exchange, Russia's Federal Financial Market Service, major information agencies and consulting companies.