OREANDA-NEWS. December 08, 2010. Uralsvyazinform (RTS and the Moscow Interbank Stock Exchange: URSI/URSIP, ADR: UVYZY/UVYZYP) - the largest operator of fixed, a mobile services and new services of the Ural region presents the consolidated intermediate financial reporting for 9 months, ended on September, 30th, 2010, according to the international standards of the financial reporting, reported the press-centre of Uralsvyazinform.
The basic financial indicators

The Company prodit following the results of 9 months 2010 increased by 6,0 % and made up RUR 32,1 billion.

Profit growth is provided, mainly, for:

Growth of incomes for mobile services - 23,6 %,

Growth of incomes for data transmission and telematic services (Internet) - 14,0 %,

Relative density of incomes of a noncontrollable telecommunication service (cellular communication, data transmission and the Internet) in the general Company profit made up 54,0 %,

EBITDA [2] increased by 23,1 % and made up RUR 14 546 mln.,

EBITDA margin [3] increased by 45,4 % (by results of 9 months 2009 - 39,1 %),

Operating margin made up 26,6 % following the results of the accounting period (9 months 2009 - 18,9 %),

Net profit has almost doubled and made up RUR 5 745 mln.