OREANDA-NEWS. January 21, 2011. Ukraine is open for dialogue with the Japanese business at all levels, from small and medium enterprises, to large companies, President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych said during his meeting with the Chairman and members of the Japanese-Ukrainian Economic Council, held in Kyoto.

He noted that he was very pleased to visit one of the most developed regions of Japan – Kansai, which has gathered many advanced and high-tech enterprise of this country.

"Today, Ukraine is through a new stage of development. Its main features are reformation and modernization of the economy, consolidation of political stability and formation of the attractive investment climate. The first steps have been made. The Government of Ukraine has managed to stop the economic decline and ensure sustainable development," Viktor Yanukovych said.

He noted that since the government in Ukraine has changed, international credit ratings of Ukraine have been improving.

"We are actively implementing reforms to revive the economy and improve social standards and business environment, upgrade infrastructure and key industries," he said.

President Yanukovych also reminded that the Ukrainian Government is now making putting much effort into increase the investment attractiveness of our country through ensuring transparent and favorable conditions for foreign businesses.

"This is true for Japan too, which we will soon start negotiations on signing the Agreement on Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investment with", he said.

Ukraine consistently seeks to expand cooperation with Japan, especially in such areas as energy, agriculture and infrastructure development, he said.

For his part, Chairman of the Japanese-Ukrainian Economic Council Hakuo Yanagisawa said that the Japanese side has a considerable interest in strengthening relations between the two countries. "Since the independence of your country, bilateral relations between Japan and Ukraine have been developing successfully in all directions.

I think that their core is sense of respect in our people to your country and its people. All Japanese people know that Ukraine is a nation that has very ancient history and very important geopolitical value. It is a country with large population, it is a European country," the Chairman said.

He also said that the potential of Ukrainian-Japanese relations is not used to full extent.

The Japanese-Ukrainian Economic Council Chairman drew particular attention to the agricultural potential of Ukraine, especially in the context of the global food crisis.

"We would like to develop more active economic relations between our countries," Hakuo Yanagisawa said, adding that it includes direct investments, loans and Japan's assistance and support to Ukraine “in taking its leading place among the developed states."